Lawn Mowing Cost
At Vantage Landscaping we like to make our mowing pricing very simple, affordable, and transparent, We have standardized pricing based on the square footage of your lawn. There are many variables that can decrease or increase the price. The price is per mowing service on weekly schedule. We require clients to start on a weekly schedule then during the months of July and August they have the option to switch to Bi-Weekly and then back to weekly when the grass starts to grow a lot faster.
Variables that Influence Price
Access: Having smaller gates that don't allow us to use our bigger and more efficient equipment will make the job to take more time and effort. Parking is another factor when affecting price because the closer we are to the property the more efficient our Team can be a completing the task.
Clipping Disposal: Removal of any debris from you property cost us time to collect & dump as well as paying our end of Dumping Fee's. Allowing us to discharge grass clippings will decrease the price.
Shape: A rectangle lawn can be mowed much faster than an odd shaped lawn with flower beds and obstacles throughout the property.

Frequently Asked Questions
"What if my my lawn is overgrown?"
A lawn that is overgrown takes the crew 2-3 times longer to mow the grass. If the lawn has not been maintained, the initial mow can have an additional cost because we would have to establish defined edges and mow the lawn more than once. After the initial service, expect the price to drop to standard fee's.
"My lawn only takes 15 minutes to mow, why does it cost so much?"
Even if the lawn is 1000sqft, we must still charge a minimum service charge. Our vehicles, trailers, insurance. fuel, and other expenses make it important for us to charge our minimum fee in order to be profitable. Our full time staff also take time to account for each client for billing, invoicing, and customer service.
"What can i do if my my grass isn't growing that much?"
We know in the hot summer months the lawn can start to slow down and turn yellowish. By including a fertilization program with your lawn mowing service, it will help prevent this from happening.